Standing Committees
The purpose of the Liturgy Committee of the Faith Community of St. Francis of Assisi Parish is to prepare and execute appropriate celebrations highlighting the Church’s liturgical year, which will draw the Faith Community into a vibrant experience of prayer and worship, encouraging all to participate as one body, at one table, sending us forth to carry out the mission of the Church. In order to accomplish this goal, the Liturgy Committee seeks ways to encourage more parishioners to become involved in the various parish ministries. During its monthly meetings the members of the Committee carefully plan for the different seasons and celebrations of the liturgical year, coordinating all the aspects of the liturgy (readings, homily, music, decorations, etc.) in order to provide a meaningful celebration for all. Members of the Liturgy Committee are appointed by the pastor and pastoral team. If you are interested in being a member or would like more information, please call the parish office.
The Faith Formation Committee has as its purpose to serve the needs of all the members of our Faith Community, children and adults, in the area of our prayer life and faith development; to foster, celebrate and share that most precious gift of our relationship with God, the Church and each other. Our life of faith is God’s gift to us. It is a gift to be nurtured and a gift to be shared with others. Together we are all called to follow Jesus Christ as his disciples; it is a lifelong challenge and an ongoing process of conversion and formation. Having received the gift of our faith, we are also called to participate in the Church’s work of evangelization here in our neighborhood and elsewhere, sharing the gift of our faith with others. As a Faith Community, we work together so that more will come to know and experience God’s love for them and that they will have an authentic experience of being part of God’s family through their experience of belonging to our parish family.
The members of this Committee work together to coordinate the many and varied aspects of our religious education program. Our faith formation program includes people of all ages from the very young to our senior members. There are sacramental programs for our young children, our teenagers (Confirmation) and our adults (RCIA). The Committee examines ways to provide and promote opportunities and experiences that nurture and deepen the prayer life of the members of our Faith Community both at the individual and communal level; to provide and promote up-to-date educational opportunities for the members of our Faith Community that nourish and help develop our faith; and to support, encourage and prepare the members of our Faith Community to be actively involved in evangelization, that is, bringing the Good News of God’s love for all people to all people. This Committee is in its early stage of formation. If you are interested in being a member or would like more information, please call the parish office.
The Finance and Buildings Committee leads and guides the Faith Community in the ways of Christian Stewardship and advises the pastor so that our parish life will be enriched and continue to grow. The Committee seeks ways to best approach the members of the parish concerning their support of the Faith Community in ways that are keeping with their abilities and, at the same time, encouraging sacrificial giving so that we will be able to continue the work of spreading the Gospel. Throughout the Scriptures the People of God are called to be faithful stewards who recognize that all spiritual and material blessings come from Gods bountiful love. As faithful stewards, we are called to wisely, prudently and correctly use the offerings and the support given by the members of the Faith Community. The Committee meets on a regular basis to examine the finances of the parish and to insure that proper procedures are followed in the handling and accounting of all money. It is part of the Committee’s function to check on the status and condition of our buildings and property to insure that they are properly maintained and cared for through a well developed and up-to-date maintenance plan. The Finance Committee normally meets on the 2nd Monday of each month. Members are appointed by the pastor and pastoral team.
Jesus Christ teaches us when he says, “Whatever you do for one of my least sisters or brothers, you do for me”. The Pastoral Care and Social Outreach Committee of seeks to identify, comfort and care for those of our Faith Community and neighborhood who are in need, especially those who are elderly, infirm, helpless and grieving, and individuals and families in crisis. Special attention and emphasis is given to promoting sacredness of all life, from conception to natural death and how, we as a Church Community, can do our part to be an active voice in a society which sometimes fails to respect the dignity and rights of each and every individual. The Committee seeks ways to reach out to those members of our Faith Community, neighborhood, city and world who are in need, caring for each person before us with care, compassion and concern in an effective manner. The Committee coordinates those Eucharistic Ministers who continue to visit and bring the Eucharist to those who are homebound, in nursing homes, and in hospitals. The Committee also seeks ways to involve parishioners in those service activities that would benefit those who are in need and also to give parishioners the opportunity to learn what resources are available to help those in need. This Committee is in its early stage of formation. If you are interested in being a member or would like more information, please call the parish office.
We are blessed to have a very active Youth Ministry. This Committee coordinates the activities of the different groups and seeks new ways to reach out to the youth and involve them more fully in the life of the Faith Community through social activities, community service, educational opportunities and spiritual gatherings. Plans are currently underway to reach out to our Young Adult members (approximate ages 21 to 35) and also to seek ways that we can be of service to the many Families of our Faith Community, giving special attention to those families with special needs. This Committee is in its early stage of formation. If you are interested in being a member or would like more information, please call the parish office.