Altar and Rosary Society
The members of this women’s society meet on a monthly basis to plan functions and activities. They also gather together for Mass and the recitation of the Rosary on the first Sunday of each month. On a weekly basis a number of the members clean the sanctuary of our church. For more information, please call Judy Rukavina at 823-8541.
Baptismal Preparation Ministry
The members of this ministerial team work with the parents and the godparents of infants to be baptized in preparing them for the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. If you would like to be part of the this ministry or would like more information, please contact Fr. Ross 627-2710.
Bereavement Ministry
The bereavement groups are for those of all ages who have lost loved ones. The purpose of the Bereavement Ministry is to offer an opportunity for mutual support, healing and comfort. For more information, please call Day Cummings at 507-6281.
Bingo Workers
Bingo takes place every Wednesday at 7:30 PM. The dedicated Bingo workers are always in need of volunteers to give a hand on a weekly, monthly or whenever you can basis. For more information, please call the parish office at 627-2710
Catholic Charities Appeal Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to help us with this annual appeal. If you are able to help and/or would like more information, please call the parish office.
Chicken Barbeque
In the middle of July we have our famous Chicken Barbecue. Join the team of workers who help with the kitchen activities, such as cooking the hot dogs and packaging and distributing the meals. There is a Basket Auction and plenty of activities for the children. For more information, please call Mrs. Elizabeth Woods at 626-3357.
Cub Scouts
The goal and mission of St. Francis’ Cub Pack 890 is to teach and uphold the values of scouting. Scouting core values instill Duty to God and Country, Duty to others and Duty to self. The leaders teach trustworthiness, loyalty, helpfulness, friendship, courtesy, kindness, obedience, cheerfulness, thrift, bravery, cleanliness and reverence. The Cub Scouts meet on Monday evenings from 6:00 to 8:15 PM. For more information, please call Lori Mallory at 649-4523.
Fundraising Committee
We are always looking for creative and effective ways to help support our parish. This committee meets to examine, choose and plan our fundraising events. For more information, please call Mrs. Elizabeth Woods at 627-5712.
Garden Angels
This group of parishioners gathers on a regular basis to take care of the parish grounds. If you like to garden and to work outdoors, this committee is for you. For dates, click on Schedule. For more information, please call Randy Harlach at 649-0451.
Holy Name Society
The members of this men’s society meet once a month for fellowship and to plan activities for the parish. They gather once a month as a group for Mass. For more information, please call John McLaughlin at 648-5967.
The members of this committee gather on a monthly basis to pray and work for the ongoing need to promote and protect life at all stages. For more information, please call Brian and Hollie Weiss at 627-9645.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
If you knit or crochet, your services can be used to bring comfort and healing to those in need, especially those who are in need of healing whether physical, spiritual or emotional. The members of this ministry meet every Wednesday from 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. For more information, please call Mary Beaumariage at 648-3662.
RCIA (Adult Sacramental Program) Ministry
Together with members of the parish staff, the RCIA team prepares those adults who wish to become part of the Catholic Faith Community or those Catholics who would like to complete their Christian Initiation. For more information, please call Mrs. Elizabeth Woods at 627-3357.
Secular Franciscans
The Secular Franciscan Order, traditionally called The Third Order, is a group of lay women and men who dedicate themselves in a special way to Franciscan Spirituality and to living a life patterned after St. Francis of Assisi. Meetings take place on the first and last Tuesday of each month from 6:00 to 10:00 PM. For more information, please call Thomas Miller at 822-9075.
Youth Group
This program is open to ALL students. Participants gather for fun activities, to do service, and prayer. The goal of this group is to foster a real sense of community and belonging. For more information and to keep up to date please follow our Facebook page at or visit our website